I'll eventually post some topics related to
2024-05-26 05:14 - Made some time (y'know - instead of sleeping) to muck around with this page. I still haven't added any actual content, but threw in some tabular formatting. It has been a -long- time since I did any non trivial HTML stuff but I'll muddle my way through.
I'm not gonna try to jam everything into a table on one page - just trying to dust the cowbebs off of my table tags. I might throw in a bit of that CSS BS and try ro make some pages that are usable on the small screen as well as on a full sized PC.
What I won't do is put crap pn my pages that moves or otherwise distracts on "mouseover". If you want an element to do anything, you'll have to just take a chance and actually -click- on it. I dunno how that will translate to a touch screen, but I don't care that much.
2024-05-02 04:11 - As usual, the real world interferes with the fun stuff. To those who have visited this page and found it worthless: Sorry about that. It's going to be a rough week or two before I get anything worthwhile posted here. But thanks for stopping by.
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